We collect your email address and a name. This name is not unique and can be changed.
Users who change their name to something offensive, will have their names changed to Richard Kimble and then locked.
You are allocated a numeric identifier that is unique and cannot be changed.
Users can delete their account. Once the account is deleted, the user's email is also deleted from our records.
If a user wants to delete their content, such as a word set, locked box, a set of exam questions, they must do this before they delete their account.
If a user sets up a new account after they deactivate an account, they will get a new ID number and will not have access to previously created content.
User information, including your email address, is not shared with other parties or services.
When a user sends a message to 42 Penguins using the Contact Us page, this includes their ID and email address.
When a user with a student email address sends a message in the Ready to Learn section, their email is included and visible by the owner of that room. This owner will be a user with a teacher email address.
This service must not be used to harrass or insult people. Users accounts in breach of this will be deleted.
This site stored two cookies on device of a logged in user. These cookies are valid for 200 days from the date of signing in.
Access to these cookies are not available to any other site or party.
All information is stored on servers in Sydney, Australia.
Some parts of the site are only available to people with email addresses. This is usually for sections only for students and teachers.
This site is operated on a non-commercial basis by Mark O'Meara who is a teacher of computing at Geelong High School.